I know you suffer. I know you need sleep badly. I know you've put up with it for too long. 
Let me help you cure your sleep problems once and for all.

You see, I was you. I suffered too. I went deep and found the cure. DARN IT YOU CAN TOO! 

I've been there. I know what it's like when...

You're awake at 3am, tossing and turning,  mind racing with thoughts and images from the day, while projecting every possible scenario into tomorrow to try and resolve the tensions you feel. I know you stare hopelessly at the ceiling.

You have to be up in 3-4 hours for work. Adjusting your pillows for the hundredth time, you try again to find sleep.

Too often, you say you'll catch up the next night.

And maybe you collapse at the end of the day and sleep soundly for a time.

Just as likely, you wake in the night once more, bothered by a brain that won't shut down.

Robbed of sleep again, you realize you are caught in a vicious cycle: mental torture which would continue night after night.

(sound familiar?)

If you are like I was for 20 years, most nights we suffer like this with no end in sight. Maybe, like me, you read a lot of books. Maybe, like me... you I see a lot of sunrises.

Maybe, like me, you used drugs and alcohol to get to sleep. Maybe, like me, you are inspired me to make some changes.

Unfortunately, absent the drugs and alcohol, sleep problems tend to compound.

Ever try to give up your meds? I feel you. It's an adjustment.

It was while studying as a Behavioural Science Technician and Addictions Counselor  that I discovered these strategies.

It was Eli Benson at Harvard and his Relaxation Response that got me to sleep...

In just a couple of months, I was well on my way to a cure for my insomnia. I've used them since with great success, despite being a bi-phasic sleeper on top of a light sleeper.

Do what’s in this course and you will be able to:

— Train to fall asleep without sleep-aids in any circumstance
— Understand Bi-Phasic sleeping and why you shouldn’t worry about waking at night
— How to put yourself to sleep no matter what bed you lay in
— Stop your racing thoughts
 Resolve worrying interpersonal conflicts without the other party
— Claim your birthright: a restorative night's rest
 Read people’s faces at work and at home because you're rested
Solve problems more easily using your innate creativity.

This course contains THE 12 key things I use to cure people's insomnia...
... which are really just  my favourite strategies, the ones I personally use to this day.

I used them last night. I may use them this afternoon.

I use them and teach them because they work.

You too can begin to master these in a short afternoon.

 But I'm going to dribble each lesson a few days apart so you can absorb and practice the lessons, like building a solid foundation to a house. A house of ZZzzzs.

A house of dreams...

It took me three months of practice to put insomnia more or less behind for good.

Practice makes perfect.

It's not a quick fix, it's more a discipline.

Use these for a few months and become as calm as a sleeping puppy. The effects will last a lifetime.

It contains life-changing bonus items:

— How to nap anywhere at anytime

— 3 stretches you must do before sleep if you sit at a desk

Take the course, do the exercises and the homework. If you don`t think it`s worth the price you paid, give me your feedback and I`ll refund you in full. 

OH WAIT... the cost is $0.00. 

Sleep well my friend. 

Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction: What's in it for you? (skip ahead to 12 things or start here)

    1. The 1st: Thing: Breath Awareness

    2. The 2nd Thing: Self Hypnosis one

    3. The 3rd Thing PMR video (progressive muscular relaxation)

    4. The 3rd Thing: Progressive Muscular Relaxation - Audio Only variation

    5. The 4th Thing: Basic Counting

    6. The 5th Thing: Letting Go Using Best Intentions (beat regret and get back to sleep)

    7. The 6th Thing: Universal Love (use when annoyed with someone)

    8. The 7th Thing: Descending Stairs (when counting is not enough)

    9. The 8th Thing: Racing Thoughts: how to STOP them

    10. The 9th Thing: Water (How to use it to relax and go to sleep)

    11. The 10th Thing: Reading Right! (how to use reading constructively to get to sleep)

    12. The 11th Thing: Fantastic Hypnosis (how to use your experiences to create a fantastic sleep meditation)

    13. The 12th Thing: Nightmares (understand them and learn about HRV)




    1. #1 Bonus Napping part one

    2. #1a Bonus Napping part two

    3. #2 Bonus: Do these 3 Stretches before bed (or anytime)

    4. #3 Bonus Copy of AA CYA 3 lesson mini-course INTRODUCTION (from Anxiety Action course)

    5. #3a Bonus Copy of AA CYA 3 lesson mini-course ANXIETY SIMIPLIFIED (from Anxiety Action course)

    6. #3c Bonus Copy of AA CYA 3 lesson mini-course ACT YOUR WAY OUT OF ANXIETY (from Anxiety Action course)

    7. #4 Bonus Self Hypnosis Practice - we dive deeper into self hypnosis from The 2nd Thing Self Hypnosis

    8. Book your free 45 minute call with the Advisor to Men


    2. Optional intro GOOD MORNING: it's 6AM

    3. Optional intro vid#2 ABC behavioural model

    4. Optional intro#3 Sleep, but why?

    5. Optional intro vid#4 Part 2 of Sleep but Why - What if I don't sleep

    6. Optional intro vid#5 Mindset

    7. Optional intro vid #6a Preparing for Sleep part 1

    8. Optional intro vid#6b Preparing for Sleep 2

    9. Book your free 45 minute call with the Advisor to Men

About this course

  • Free
  • 34 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

Your Sleep Advisor


Power and Mental Fitness advisor to men gives you REAL support: You are here to rediscover your power. That’s my specialty. My story doesn’t matter as much as yours, so just know I led a faulted life for a long time which helps me understand others. I have a behavioural science background and hypnotism and counselling skills with specialties in addictions, anxiety, shame, families and attachment, stress, sleep, diet, fitness, purpose, as well as business and managing experience and bunch of other stuff accumulated over 30+ years of serving people. What counts is what could be the life-changing training I provide so you take charge of your life. Book a free call with me right here:


To defeat insomnia you need skin in the game.
Part of your investment has been the suffering you’ve endured but you need even greater leverage to turn this problem around.

Implementing THIS course means change.

It means leaving behind an old part of you and embracing new skills and results. It’s serious stuff: Every aspect of life is changed with good sleep.
The quality of your life depends on it.

Don’t delay your health and wellbeing any longer.

Start sleeping better today for just $88.

What others have been saying about this course: I feel so much better after a night's sleep now I use a few simple techniques I learned in this course. David George Tubbs