THIS course if for you if you want to resolve anxiety--either for yourself or to gift to someone else.


Nothing robs you of life's enjoyment more than to be in fear with seemingly no control. Nothing kills confidence faster than an anxiety attack.


Like me, you may have found yourself waking up in the middle of the night with a knot in your chest that is so uncomfortable it might double you over in pain.


And generalized anxiety that appears out of nowhere, while you are doing your best to meet the normal challenges of life. A nagging feeling shows up and gets worse over the hours despite trying to ignore it.


No matter how much you tell yourself to relax, the anxiety keeps on coming.


I remember going to a middle school in grade seven. At lunch time, when everyone headed towards the cafeteria, just spotting that crowd would make me almost pass out.  Ma had me checked out by the doctor and they found nothing wrong with me.


I didn't know it at the time, but I was agoraphobic. I learned to handle it later by making sure I had options when I’m in a crowded area.


There are also different types of anxiety. Panic attacks which seem to hit out of nowhere I will show you how to beat it in ten minutes.  Creeping anxiety will be understood deeply so you can defeat it.


The first time I experienced panic attack, I thought I was having a heart attack. It came out of nowhere...


"... I sat it out in the waiting room breathing haphazardly, hanging on as my body failed me at the most primitive and uncomfortable level. It's true what they say: your last breath was important… but not as important as your next one."


And that's the thing about anxiety attacks. They often get worse and worse until you can't keep going...


"My breaths were getting shallower as I waited. It got so I was, more or less, "sipping" air through the top of my lungs, afraid to put any more pressure on my sternum than I needed to. It was like there was a great hand of refusal inside denying me the life-giving air I was trying to offer my lungs."


What if you don't reach out for help? What if you don't go to the hospital and it gets serious? Can you do that to people who care about you? Can any of us risk that?


"Suddenly, an old doc came sauntering out of the doors looking cool and casual. He looked at me seriously right in the eyes and told me after running all the tests, "your gullet's flipping," he said shrugging.  I thanked him on the spot, happy to know they’d found something."


Will the medical people be able to handle this? Will they even treat me seriously?  I asked myself these questions. I imagine you may have asked these questions too.


Then, puzzled, I realized I had no idea what he meant. So, I asked him to explain. He said you’re having an anxiety attack. He answered me to which I replied, "What?? An anxiety attack??? "


In time, I learned to beat the condition completely That's something you'll learn to do in this course.


Crystal says:

"This course gave me additional information about the facts surrounding anxiety and that we are never alone. There are some great tools provided I will use over and over to remind myself of where I am and where I will be. I would highly recommend this course to others."

Crystal T, Hamilton, ON
 And that was just the old course. 

The new course is far better: more comprehensive, more support, more education, more empowering. This new course contains essential lessons and deep hacks needed to demystify anxiety. I dare say, doing this course will make you an expert about your anxiety.


I use these techniques to this day (and I’ve also added emergency strategies for specific situations).
 This course has the potential to change your life. The investment is tiny, the payoff is large.


NOTE: When you hit the button below, you'll be taken to a page with the same intro above, and the course curriculum.

* This course comes with a money back guarantee.  Watch and do the modules and practices. If you don’t think it was worth the price you paid for it, give me your feedback and I’ll refund you in full.

Course Curriculum

    1. COURSE PLUS OPTION * watch this first


    3. ANXIETY ACTION INTRODUCTION (mini course can be found at the end of the course table of contents)

    4. AA sec 1 les 1 THE ANXIETY LOOP

    5. AA sec 1 les 2 PERSONALITY

    6. AA sec 1 les 3 THE ABCs OF ANXIETY

    7. AA sec 1 les 4 THE PANIC ATTACK FIX

    8. AA sec 1 les 5 RECAP & PREVIEW


    10. AA sec 2 les 2 A TALE OF TWO HEMISPHERES

    11. AA sec 2 les 3 WATCH THIS YOUTUBE VID

    12. AA sec 2 les4 JUDGMENT HACK


    14. AA Sec 2 les 5a BONUS: Universal Love (from the SLEEP CURE course)

    15. AA sec 2 les 6 RESISTING CHANGE (3 reasons)

    16. AA se c 2 les 7 PREVIEW & BODY RESET

    17. AA sec 3 les 1 INTRO & ATTACHMENT

    18. AA sec 3 les 2 FAST SELF REG TECHNIQUES x3

    19. AA sec 3 les 3 BELONGING

    20. AA sec 3 les 3a Racing Thoughts (from the SLEEP CURE course)

    21. AA sec 3 les 4 ATTACHMENT THREAT CYCLE

    22. AA sec 3 les 3 CONFLICT

    23. AA sec 3 les 6 EGO DEFENSES

    24. AA sec 3 les 7 THE 6 SARAHS

    25. AA sec 3 les 8 GESTALT PRAYER

    26. AA sec 4 les 1 MAKE-OR-BREAK HACK

    27. AA Sec 4 les 2 NOTES ON MEDS

    28. AA sec 4 les 3 THE CHAIN OF BEING

    29. AA sec 4 les 4 CBT TECHNIQUES

    30. AA sec 4 les 5 ABC REVISITED

    31. AA sec 4 les 6 MINDSETS

    32. AA Sec 5 les 1 MENTAL FITNESS part one

    33. AA Sec 5 les 2 MENTAL FITNESS part two

    34. AA Sec 5 les 3 MENTAL FITNESS part three Mindfulness

    35. AA se 6 les 1 ANXIETY MINDFULNESS audio

    36. AA sec 6 les 2 RELAX NOW, 3 DEEP BREATHS audio

    37. AA sec 6 les 3 STOP, BREATH, NOTICE, REFLECT, RESPOND audio

    38. AA sec 6 les 4 STRESS INCOMPATIBILITY audio

    39. AA sec 6 les 5 THE PHOBIA CURE

    40. AA sec 6 les 6 DESENSITIZATION

    41. AA sec 7 les 1 NEEDS

    42. AA sec 7 les 2 DESIRE

    43. AA sec 7 les 3 BODY RESET

    44. AA sec 8 les 1 SELF CONCEPT

    45. AA sec 8 les 2 SHADOW


    47. AA sec 8 les 4 THE CURIO SHOP MEDITATION

    48. AA sec 8 les 5 The INNER COMMAND TECHNIQUE

    49. BONUS OFFER: Is there more I can do? Schedule a free call with me here

    50. BONUS 5 CYA Universal or Active Love


    52. AA WRAP UP

    53. assessment pdfs

    54. section 1 PDFs

    55. Section 2 PDFs

    56. section 3 PDFs

    57. section 4 PDFs

    58. section 5 PDFs

    59. section 6 PDFs

    60. section 7 PDFs

    61. section 8 PDFs

    62. AA CYA 3 lesson mini-course INTRODUCTION

    63. AA CYA 3 lesson mini-course ANXIETY SIMIPLIFIED

    64. AA CYA 3 lesson mini-course ACT YOUR WAY OUT OF ANXIETY

    65. AA CYA 3 lesson mini-course: THINK YOUR WAY OUT OF ANXIETY

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 65 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content



Power and Mental Fitness advisor to men gives you REAL support: You are here to rediscover your power. That’s my specialty. My story doesn’t matter as much as yours, so just know I led a faulted life for a long time which helps me understand others. I have a behavioural science background and hypnotism and counselling skills with specialties in addictions, anxiety, shame, families and attachment, stress, sleep, diet, fitness, purpose, as well as business and managing experience and bunch of other stuff accumulated over 30+ years of serving people. What counts is what could be the life-changing training I provide so you take charge of your life. Book a free call with me right here:

Look, you've put up with this long enough. Anxiety once served a powerful function keeping you from perceived harm.

But it's grown into more.

Now it's time to seize control of your life with these game changing strategies. Even if you're on meds, wouldn't it be great to reduce or be off them completely?

Start on your path to autonomy and self-control today. Get back your God-given confidence and get on with your life.

Join the Anxiety Action community today.

Don't delay this any longer, 

Now take the Taming Shame course here without delay --- Stephen said: "I just purchased this course and I am already able to hold my head higher than ever before..."